Hello, everyone! I’m Aguilar, a multi-instrumentalist and Chilean composer of alternative and progressive rock. If you’re here, we probably share the same passion for music that goes beyond boundaries, the kind that takes risks and explores new realms.

This space is for those who want to dive into the creation of my music, to get to know the details of each song and the journey behind it. Here, you’ll have access to unreleased material, exclusive videos, stages of the creative process, high-resolution album covers, and for those who enjoy it as much as I do, sheet music for some of my compositions.

Aguilar - 2024
Aguilar - 2010
Aguilar - 2009
Aguilar - 2002
With my friend and great writer of the lyrics of my songs like “Misunderstood”, Seba Lillo. Many of the songs I have composed in my life have his lyrics.
The great singer Richard Degrees. His participation as lyricist and singer on the album “Red Light” was fundamental.
A genius of the guitar, bass and keyboards could not be missing from my new album “Between Heaven and Hell”. A lifelong friend and a talented musician. Héctor “Palo” Espinosa.
With jazz guitarist Christian Stade. Lead guitar on the track “Sólo tu voz” (Only Your Voice), album “Red Light”.
The great singer Isabel Lolas. Album “Red Light”, song “Sólo tu voz”.
Queno Marfán. Friend, singer and writer of the lyrics of some of my most beautiful songs.
My dear friend, musical partner, the best guitarist I have ever met and an angel in this world, Gonzalo “Morris” Canales (✝2016). You don’t know how much I miss you. Soon we will continue to decorate heaven with music. Your guitar solos on the album “Soportando la Vida” are unique.
With composer, singer and writer Carolina Astorga. Some of my songs have their lyrics.
In my old home studio. Without Karen Lorca’s help it would not have been possible to record much of my music.
The best thing in the world is to perform for you.
When you play live you feel all the positive energy in the world.
Aguilar Live.
Aguilar Live.

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